1. 테스트 및 개발 환경
- 전자정부프레임워크 3.8
- jstree-3.3.7
2. Process Flow
(1) $(document).ready(function(){ }에서 jstree 초기화
- fn_Common.jstree();
(2) fn_Common.jstree()에서 jstree 초기화 구성
(3) jstree에서 node 선택 시 선택한 node에 따라 하위 node 실시간으로 가져오기
- fn_Common.jstreeDynamic( )
- 가져온 node정보를 jstree에 추가한다.
3. 소스
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<c:url value='/plugin/bootstrap-4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css' />">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<c:url value='/plugin/jstree-3.3.7/themes/default/style.min.css' />">
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value='/js/egovframework/com/cmm/jquery-1.12.4.min.js' />"></script>
<script ]type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value='/plugin/bootstrap-4.0.0/js/bootstrap.min.js' />"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value='/plugin/jstree-3.3.7/jstree.min.js' />"></script>
<script type="text/javaScript" language="javascript" defer="defer">
var fn_Common = {
consoleLog : function(data) {
$.each(data, function(i,v) {
console.log(i + "===>>" + v);
jstree : function() {
core: {
check_callback: true,
data: { id : "ROOT" , text : "ROOT" } /* 최초에 보여지 최상위 Root Tree */
types: {
"default" : {
"icon" : "glyphicon glyphicon-flash"
file: {
icon: "fa fa-file text-inverse fa-lg"
plugins : [
, "contextmenu"
, "dnd"
, "massload"
, "search"
, "sort"
, "state"
, "types"
, "unique"
, "wholerow"
, "changed"
, "conditionalselect"
// .on("init.jstree", function () {} // triggered after all events are bound
// .on("loading.jstree", function () {} // triggered after the loading text is shown and before loading starts
// .on("destroy.jstree", function () {}// triggered before the tree is destroyed
// .on("loaded.jstree", function () {} // triggered after the root node is loaded for the first time
// .on("ready.jstree", function () {} // triggered after all nodes are finished loading
// .on("load_node.jstree", function (node, status) {} // triggered after a node is loaded
// .on("load_all.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered after a load_all call completes
// .on("model.jstree", function (nodes, parent) {} // triggered when new data is inserted to the tree model
// .on("redraw.jstree", function (nodes) {}// triggered after nodes are redrawn
// .on("before_open.jstree", function (node) { }// triggered when a node is about to be opened (if the node is supposed to be in the DOM, it will be, but it won't be visible yet)
// .on("open_node.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when a node is opened (if there is an animation it will not be completed yet)
// .on("after_open.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when a node is opened and the animation is complete
// .on("close_node.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when a node is closed (if there is an animation it will not be complete yet)
// .on("after_close.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when a node is closed and the animation is complete
// .on("open_all.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when an open_all call completes
// .on("close_all.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when an close_all call completes
// .on("enable_node.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when an node is enabled
// .on("disable_node.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when an node is disabled
// .on("hide_node.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when an node is hidden
// .on("show_node.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when an node is shown
// .on("hide_all.jstree", function (nodes) {} // triggered when all nodes are hidden
// .on("show_all.jstree", function (nodes) {} // triggered when all nodes are shown
// .on("activate_node.jstree", function (node) {node, event} // triggered when an node is clicked or intercated with by the user
// .on("hover_node.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when an node is hovered
// .on("dehover_node.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when an node is no longer hovered
// .on("select_node.jstree", function (node, selected, event) {} // triggered when an node is selected
// .on("changed.jstree", function (node, action, selected, event) {} // triggered when selection changes
// .on("deselect_node.jstree", function (node,selected, event) {} // triggered when an node is deselected
// .on("select_all.jstree", function (selected) {} // triggered when all nodes are selected
// .on("deselect_all.jstree", function (node, selected) {} // triggered when all nodes are deselected
// .on("set_state.jstree", function () {} // triggered when a set_state call completes
// .on("refresh.jstree", function (nodes) {} // triggered when a refresh call completes
// .on("refresh_node.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when a node is refreshed
// .on("set_id.jstree", function (node, old) {} // triggered when a node id value is changed
// .on("set_text.jstree", function (obj, text) {} // triggered when a node text value is changed
// .on("create_node.jstree", function (node, parent, position) {} // triggered when a node is created
// .on("rename_node.jstree", function (node, text, old) {} // triggered when a node is renamed
// .on("delete_node.jstree", function (node, parent) {} // triggered when a node is deleted
// .on("move_node.jstree", function (node, parent, position, old_parent, old_position, is_multi, old_instance, new_instance) {} // triggered when a node is moved
// .on("copy_node.jstree", function (node, original, parent, position, old_parent, old_position, is_multi, old_instance, new_instance) {} // triggered when a node is copied
// .on("cut.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when nodes are added to the buffer for moving
// .on("copy.jstree", function (node) {} // triggered when nodes are added to the buffer for copying
// .on("paste.jstree", function (parent, node, mode) {} // triggered when paste is invoked
// .on("clear_buffer.jstree", function () {} // triggered when the copy / cut buffer is cleared
// .on("set_theme.jstree", function (theme) {} // triggered when a theme is set
// .on("show_stripes.jstree", function () {} // triggered when stripes are shown
// .on("hide_stripes.jstree", function () {} // triggered when stripes are hidden
// .on("show_dots.jstree", function () {} // triggered when dots are shown
// .on("hide_dots.jstree", function () {} // triggered when dots are hidden
// .on("show_icons.jstree", function () {} // triggered when icons are shown
// .on("hide_icons.jstree", function () {} // triggered when icons are hidden
// .on("show_ellipsis.jstree", function () {} // triggered when ellisis is shown
// .on("hide_ellipsis.jstree", function () {} // triggered when ellisis is hidden
// **** plugin event *****
// .on("changed.jstree", function (node, action, selected, event) {} // changed : triggered when selection changes
// .on("disable_checkbox.jstree", function (node) {} // checkbox : triggered when an node's checkbox is disabled
// .on("enable_checkbox.jstree", function (node) {} // checkbox : triggered when an node's checkbox is enabled
// .on("check_node.jstree", function (node, selected, event) {} // checkbox : triggered when an node is checked (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false)
// .on("uncheck_node.jstree", function (node, selected, event) {} // checkbox : triggered when an node is unchecked (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false)
// .on("check_all.jstree", function (selected) {} // checkbox : triggered when all nodes are checked (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false)
// .on("uncheck_all.jstree", function (node, selected) {} // checkbox : triggered when all nodes are unchecked (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false)
// .on("show_contextmenu.jstree", function (node, x, y) {} // contextmenu : triggered when the contextmenu is shown for a node
// .on("search.jstree", function (nodes, str, res) {} // search : triggered after search is complete
// .on("clear_search.jstree", function (nodes, str, res) {} // search : triggered after search is complete
// .on("state_ready.jstree", function (node) {} // state : triggered when the state plugin is finished restoring the state (and immediately after ready if there is no state to restore).
.on("select_node.jstree", function (event, data) { // 노드가 선택된 뒤 처리할 이벤트
//var id = data.instance.get_node(data.selected).id;
//console.log("data.node : " + JSON.stringify(data.node));
// 선택한 Node에 따라 하위 목록 가져오기
jstreeDynamic : function(selectedNode) {
url : "/hsg/com/DeptTree.do"
, type : "POST"
, dataType : "json"
, async : false
, data : { id : selectedNode }
, success : function(data){
$.each(data.dataList, function(i, obj) {
, selectedNode
, { "id": obj.id, "text": obj.text }
, "last"
, false
, false
, error : function() {}
, beforeSend : function() {}
, complete : function() {}
<div id="jstree"></div>
* $(document).ready()
if(e.keyCode==13) {
return false;
// jstree 생성
출처: https://urajilator.tistory.com/category/?page=4 ["만인은 밥 앞에 평등하다." - 우라질레이터 사마 황상규 -]
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