if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") != -1) {
try { document.execCommand('BackgroundImageCache', false, true); } catch(e) {}
// Trim 함수 ##################################################
// Ex) str = " 테 스트 ".trim(); => str = "테 스트";
String.prototype.trim = function() {
return this.replace(/(^[ \t\n\r]*)|([ \t\n\r]*$)/g,'');
// 문자열 공백제거 함수 ##################################################
// Ex) str = " 테 스 트 ".stripspace(); => str = "테스트";
String.prototype.stripspace = function() {
return this.replace(/ /g, '');
// 전체 문자열 바꾸기 함수 ##################################################
// Ex) str = "a테스트bcd테스트efg".replaceAll("테스트", ""); => str = "abcdefg";
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(a, b) {
var s = this;
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") != -1)
return s.replace(new RegExp(a, 'gi'), b);
return s.split(a).join(b);
// left 함수 ##################################################
var fnLeft = function(s,c){
return s.substr(0,c);
// right 함수 ##################################################
var fnRight = function(s,c){
return s.substr(-c);
// mid 함수 ##################################################
var fnMid = function(s,c,l){
return s.substring(c,l);
// 0으로 자릿수 채우기 ##################################################
var prependZero = function(num, len){
while(num.toString().length < len) {
num = "0" + num;
return num;
// 인코딩 문자열 디코딩 ##################################################
function fnDecode(s1) {
s1 = s1.replaceAll("&", "&")
.replaceAll("<", "<")
.replaceAll(">", ">")
.replaceAll(""", "\"")
.replaceAll("'", "\'")
.replaceAll("/", "\/");
return s1;
// HTML 코드 JavaScript 문자열로 치환 ##################################################
function fnHTMLtoJS(s1) {
s1 = s1
// .toLowerCase()
", "\n");
return s1;
// JavaScript 문자열 HTML 코드로 치환 ##################################################
function fnJStoHTML(s1) {
s1 = s1
// .toLowerCase()
.replaceAll("\\n", "
return s1;
// 이벤트 추가 ##################################################
function addEvent(obj, type, listener) {
if (window.addEventListener) obj.addEventListener(type, listener, false);
else obj.attachEvent('on'+type, listener);
// 이벤트 추가 ##################################################
function removeEvent(obj, type, listener) {
if (window.removeEventListener) obj.removeEventListener(type, listener, false);
else obj.detachEvent('on'+type, listener);
// 팝업 ##################################################
function openPopup(theURL, winName, width, height, remFeatures) {
var features = "";
if (typeof winName == "undefined") winName = "";
if (typeof width != "undefined") features += ((features) ? "," : "")+"width="+width;
if (typeof height != "undefined") features += ((features) ? "," : "")+"height="+height;
if (typeof remFeatures != "undefined") features += ((features) ? "," : "")+remFeatures;
if (features.indexOf("status") < 0) features += ",status=yes";
var popup = window.open(theURL, winName, features);
return popup;
// 팝업 - 팝업창 화면중앙 오픈 ##################################################
function openPopupCenter(theURL, winName, width, height, remFeatures) {
var left = (screen.width/2) - (width/2);
var top = (screen.availHeight/2) - (height/2);
var features = "left="+left+",top="+top+",width="+width+",height="+height;
if (typeof winName == "undefined") winName = "";
if (typeof remFeatures != "undefined") features += ","+remFeatures;
if (features.indexOf("status") < 0) features += ",status=yes";
var popup = window.open(theURL, winName, features);
return popup;
// 팝업 - 팝업창 사이즈 조정 ##################################################
function resizePopupWindow(width, height) {
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var isMSIE = detectIE(); //(userAgent.indexOf('msie') != -1); update 2016-06-28 jungeol kim
var agentVer = 0;
if (isMSIE) {
var pos_msie = userAgent.indexOf('msie ');
agentVer = parseInt(userAgent.substring(pos_msie+5, userAgent.indexOf(".", pos_msie)), 10);
var isMoz = (userAgent.indexOf('gecko') != -1);
var isChrome = (userAgent.indexOf('chrome') != -1);
var resizeWidth = width + 10;
var resizeHeight = height + ((isMSIE) ? 71 : (isMoz ? (isChrome ? 55 : 81) : 49));
window.resizeTo(resizeWidth, resizeHeight);
if (!isChrome) {
var lastHeight = resizeHeight - (parseInt(document.body.clientHeight, 10) - height);
if (resizeHeight != lastHeight) { window.resizeTo(resizeWidth, lastHeight); }
//IE 판단 add 2016-06-28 jungeol kim
function detectIE() {
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
// Test values; Uncomment to check result …
// IE 10
// ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; Trident/6.0)';
// IE 11
// ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko';
// Edge 12 (Spartan)
// ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.71 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.0';
// Edge 13
// ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586';
var msie = ua.indexOf('MSIE ');
if (msie > 0) {
// IE 10 or older => return version number
return parseInt(ua.substring(msie + 5, ua.indexOf('.', msie)), 10);
var trident = ua.indexOf('Trident/');
if (trident > 0) {
// IE 11 => return version number
var rv = ua.indexOf('rv:');
return parseInt(ua.substring(rv + 3, ua.indexOf('.', rv)), 10);
var edge = ua.indexOf('Edge/');
if (edge > 0) {
// Edge (IE 12+) => return version number
return parseInt(ua.substring(edge + 5, ua.indexOf('.', edge)), 10);
// other browser
return false;
// 팝업 - 팝업창 위치 조정 ##################################################
function movePopupWindow(left, top) {
window.moveTo(left, top);
// 모달 ##################################################
function MM_openModal(theURL, obj, features) {
window.showModalDialog(theURL, obj, features);
// 키 관련 함수 ##################################################
function blockKey(e) {
var e = window.event || e;
if (window.event) {
e.returnValue = false;
else {
if (e.which != 8) e.preventDefault(); // 8 : Back Space
function blockEnter(e) {
var e = window.event || e;
if (window.event) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) e.returnValue = false;
else {
if (e.which == 13) e.preventDefault();
function blockNotNumber(e, isDot) {
if ( !isDot ){ isDot = false; } //점(.)을 허용할수 있는 파라메터, jings3, 2018-05-11
var returnVal;
var e = window.event || e;
if (window.event) {
//if (e.keyCode < 48 || e.keyCode > 57) e.returnValue = false;
returnVal = ( isDot ? ( e.keyCode < 48 || e.keyCode > 57 ) && ( e.keyCode !== 46 ) : (e.keyCode < 48 || e.keyCode > 57) ) // 46 : 쩜(.)
if ( returnVal ){ e.returnValue = false; }
else {
//if (e.which != 8 && (e.which < 48 || e.which > 57)) e.preventDefault(); // 8 : Back Space
returnVal = ( isDot ? e.which != 8 && (e.which < 48 || e.which > 57) && e.which !== 46 : e.which != 8 && (e.which < 48 || e.which > 57) );
if ( returnVal ){ e.preventDefault(); }
function onEnter(e, exec) {
var e = window.event || e;
var keyCode = (window.event) ? e.keyCode : e.which;
if (keyCode == 13) eval(exec);
// 즐겨찾기 추가 ##################################################
// 예) http://www.homepage.com');">즐겨찾기 등록
function addFavorites(title, url) {
// Internet Explorer
if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") != -1)
window.external.AddFavorite(url, title);
// Google Chrome
else if(window.chrome){
alert("현재 브라우저에서는 Ctrl+D키를 누르시면 즐겨찾기에 추가하실 수 있습니다.");
// Firefox
else if (window.sidebar) // firefox
window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url, "");
// Opera
else if(window.opera && window.print)
{ // opera
var elem = document.createElement('a');
else if (!!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/7\./))
alert("현재 브라우저에서는 Ctrl+D키를 누르시면 즐겨찾기에 추가하실 수 있습니다.");
// 시작페이지 설정 ##################################################
// 예) http://www.homepage.com');">시작페이지로
function setStartPage(obj, url) {
if (document.all && window.external) { // IE
obj.style.behavior = "url(#default#homepage)";
else { // Firefox, Opera, Safari ...
alert("현재 브라우져에서는 이용할 수 없습니다.");
// 페이지 이동 ##################################################
function gotoUrl(url) {
if (url.stripspace() != "") {
location.href = url;
// 페이지 최상단으로 ##################################################
function goTop() {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
// 이미지 미리보기 ##################################################
function previewImage(obj, imgId) {
var objImg = document.getElementById(imgId);
if (obj.value.stripspace() == "") return;
var ext = getFileExt(obj.value).toUpperCase();
if (ext == 'JPG' || ext == 'GIF' || ext == 'BMP' || ext == 'PNG') objImg.src = obj.value;
// 이미지 사이즈 줄이기 ##################################################
function resizeImage(objImg, limitId) {
if (typeof (objImg) != "object") objImg = document.getElementById(objImg);
var objParent = objImg.parentNode;
var imgWidth = parseInt(objImg.width, 10);
var fixWidth = imgWidth;
if (typeof limitId == 'undefined') return;
while (objParent) {
if (objParent && objParent.id == limitId) {
fixWidth = objParent.clientWidth;
objParent = objParent.offsetParent;
if (imgWidth > fixWidth) {
objImg.width = fixWidth;
function resizeImageAll(limitId) {
var objLimit = document.getElementById(limitId);
if (objLimit) {
var fixWidth = objLimit.clientWidth;
var arrImgs = objLimit.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
for (var i=0, len=arrImgs.length; i<len; i++) {
if (parseInt(arrImgs[i].width, 10) > fixWidth) {
arrImgs[i].width = fixWidth;
// IFRAME RESIZE 함수 ##################################################
function resizeFrame(iframeWindow, minWidth, minHeight, fixWidth, fixHeight) {
if (!iframeWindow.name) return false;
var iframeElement = document.getElementById(iframeWindow.name);
var resizeWidth = 0;
var resizeHeight = 0;
minWidth = (minWidth ? parseInt(minWidth, 10) : 0);
minHeight = (minHeight ? parseInt(minHeight, 10) : 0);
fixWidth = (fixWidth ? parseInt(fixWidth, 10) : 0);
fixHeight = (fixHeight ? parseInt(fixHeight, 10) : 0);
if (document.all) { // ie
if (iframeWindow.document.compatMode && iframeWindow.document.compatMode != 'BackCompat') {
resizeWidth = iframeWindow.document.documentElement.scrollWidth;
resizeHeight = iframeWindow.document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
else {
resizeWidth = iframeWindow.document.body.scrollWidth;
resizeHeight = iframeWindow.document.body.scrollHeight;
else {
resizeWidth = iframeWindow.document.body.scrollWidth;
resizeHeight = iframeWindow.document.body.scrollHeight;
if (minWidth > 0 && resizeWidth < minWidth) resizeWidth = minWidth; // 최소 폭
if (minHeight > 0 && resizeHeight < minHeight) resizeHeight = minHeight; // 최소 높이
if (fixWidth > 0) resizeWidth = fixWidth; // 고정 폭
if (fixHeight > 0) resizeHeight = fixHeight; // 고정 높이
if (fixWidth > -1) iframeElement.style.width = resizeWidth + 'px';
if (fixHeight > -1) iframeElement.style.height = resizeHeight + 'px';
// 현재 이벤트객체 Index 가져오기 ##################################################
function getDisObjIdx(obj) {
var i = 0;
var result = 0;
var arrTag = document.getElementsByTagName(obj.tagName);
if (obj.sourceIndex) {
while (arrTag[i].sourceIndex < obj.sourceIndex) {
if (arrTag[i].id == obj.id) ++result;
else if (obj.compareDocumentPosition) {
while ((arrTag[i].compareDocumentPosition(obj) & 6) - 3 > 0) {
if (arrTag[i].id == obj.id) ++result;
return result;
// 체크박스 전체선택 ##################################################
function checkCbAll(cbList, isChecked) {
if (cbList) {
if (typeof(cbList.length) == "undefined") {
if (!cbList.disabled) cbList.checked = isChecked;
else {
for (var i=0; i<cbList.length; i++) {
if (cbList[i].type.toUpperCase() == 'CHECKBOX') {
if (cbList[i].value.stripspace() != "" && !cbList[i].disabled) {
cbList[i].checked = isChecked;
// 텍스트 길이 확인 (일반) ##################################################
function checkTextLen(obj, mLen) {
if (obj.value.length > mLen){
alert("1~"+mLen+"자까지 입력이 가능합니다.");
obj.value = obj.value.substring(0, mLen);
return false;
return true;
// 텍스트 길이 확인 (Byte) ##################################################
function checkTextLenByte(obj, mLen) {
var i, len;
var byteLen = 0;
var value = obj.value;
for (i=0, len=value.length; i<len; i++) {
if ((value.charCodeAt(i) < 0) || (value.charCodeAt(i) > 127)) ++byteLen;
if (byteLen > mLen) {
alert("1~"+(mLen / 2)+"자의 한글, 또는 2~"+mLen+"자의 영문, 숫자, 문장기호로 입력이 가능합니다.");
obj.value = value.substring(0, i);
return false;
return true;
// 객체 Offset 가져오기 ##################################################
function getOffset(obj) {
var offset = { left : 0, top : 0 };
var parent = obj.offsetParent;
offset.left = parseInt(obj.offsetLeft, 10);
offset.top = parseInt(obj.offsetTop, 10);
while (parent) {
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") != -1) {
offset.left += parseInt(parent.offsetLeft, 10)+(isNaN(parseInt(parent.currentStyle.borderLeftWidth, 10))?0:parseInt(parent.currentStyle.borderLeftWidth, 10));
offset.top += parseInt(parent.offsetTop, 10)+(isNaN(parseInt(parent.currentStyle.borderTopWidth, 10))?0:parseInt(parent.currentStyle.borderTopWidth, 10));
else {
offset.left += parseInt(parent.offsetLeft, 10);
offset.top += parseInt(parent.offsetTop, 10);
parent = parent.offsetParent;
return offset;
// 텍스트 Byte 길이 가져오기 ##################################################
function getTextByte(value) {
var i, len;
var byteLen = 0;
for (i=0, len=value.length; i<len; i++) {
if (escape(value.charAt(i)).length >= 4) {
byteLen += 2;
else if (escape(value.charAt(i)) != "%0D") {
return byteLen;
// 입력 문자길이 확인후 다음항목으로 포커스 옮기기 ##################################################
function goNextFocus(obj, len, next_item) {
if (obj.value.stripspace().length == len){
// 영문 문자열 확인 ##################################################
function strEngCheck(value){
var i;
// 한글 체크 (한글 ASCII코드 : 12593부터)
if (value.charCodeAt(i) > 12592) return false;
// 공백 체크
if (value.charAt(i) == " ") return false;
return true;
// 파일명 확인 ##################################################
function checkFileName(obj) {
var result = false;
if (obj.value.stripspace() != "") {
var fidx = obj.value.lastIndexOf("\\")+1;
var filename = obj.value.substr(fidx, obj.value.length);
result = strEngCheck(filename);
if (!result) {
alert("파일명을 반드시 영문 또는 숫자로 해주세요.");
return false;
return true;
// 파일 확장자 ##################################################
function getFileExt(value) {
if (value != "") {
var fidx = value.lastIndexOf("\\")+1;
var filename = value.substr(fidx, value.length);
var eidx = filename.lastIndexOf(".")+1;
return filename.substr(eidx, filename.length);
// 파일확장자 확인 ##################################################
function checkFileExt(obj, exts, errMsg) {
var arrExt = exts.toLowerCase().split(",");
var result = false;
if (obj.value.stripspace() != "") {
var ext = getFileExt(obj.value).toLowerCase();
for (var i=0; i<arrExt.length; i++) {
if (arrExt[i].trim() == ext) result = true;
if (!result) {
return false;
return true;
//20190919 joonyus
function checkFileExtNew(obj, exts, errMsg) {
var arrExt = exts.toLowerCase().split(",");
var result = false;
if (obj.stripspace() != "") {
var ext = getFileExt(obj).toLowerCase();
for (var i=0; i<arrExt.length; i++) {
if (arrExt[i].trim() == ext) result = true;
if (!result) {
return false;
return true;
// 영문/숫자 만허용
function checkOnlyEng(str) {
var RegExpE = /^[A-Za-z0-9+]*$/;
return (RegExpE.test(str)) ? true : false;
// 영문/숫자 혼용 확인 ##################################################
function checkEngNum(str) {
var RegExpE = /[a-zA-Z]/i;
var RegExpN = /[0-9]/;
return (RegExpE.test(str) && RegExpN.test(str)) ? true : false;
// 특수문자 확인 ##################################################
function checkSpecialChar(value) {
var specialChar = "`~!@#$%^&*_+=|\\[]{}:;,<.>/?'\"";
for (var i=0, len=specialChar.length; i<len; i++) {
if (value.indexOf(specialChar.substr(i, 1)) != -1) return true;
return false;
// 아이디 확인 ##################################################
function checkID(value, min, max) {
var RegExp = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/i;
var returnVal = RegExp.test(value) ? true : false;
if (typeof(min) != "undefined" && value.length < min) returnVal = false;
if (typeof(max) != "undefined" && value.length > max) returnVal = false;
return returnVal;
// 비밀번호 확인 ##################################################
function checkPass(value, min, max) {
var RegExp = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\`\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\_\+\=\|\\\[\]\{\}\:\;\,\<\.\>\/\?\'\"]*$/i;
var returnVal = RegExp.test(value) ? true : false;
if (typeof(min) != "undefined" && value.length < min) returnVal = false;
if (typeof(max) != "undefined" && value.length > max) returnVal = false;
return returnVal;
// 숫자 확인 ##################################################
function checkNum(value, isDec) {
var RegExp;
if (!isDec) isDec = false;
RegExp = (isDec) ? /^-?[\d\.]*$/ : /^-?[\d]*$/;
return RegExp.test(value)? true : false;
// 이메일 확인 ##################################################
function checkEmail(email) {
//if (email.search(/^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$/) != -1) {
// 20180704 kyh
if (email.search(/^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]+$/) != -1) {
return true;
else {
return false;
// URL 확인 ##################################################
function checkUrl(url) {
var exp = new RegExp("^(http|https)\:\/\/");
if (exp.test(url.toLowerCase())) {
return true;
else {
return false;
// 공백 확인 ##################################################
function checkEmpty(obj) {
if (obj.value.stripspace() == "") {
return true;
else {
return false;
// Radio(CheckBox) 설정값 가져오기 ##################################################
function getRadioVal(obj) {
var i, value = "";
if (obj) {
if (typeof(obj.length) == "undefined") {
if (obj.checked) {
value = obj.value;
else {
for (i=0; i<obj.length; i++) {
if (obj[i].checked) {
value = obj[i].value;
return value;
// Radio 설정하기 ##################################################
function setRadioVal(obj, value) {
var i;
if (obj) {
if (typeof(obj.length) == "undefined") {
if (obj.value == value) {
obj.checked = true;
else {
for(i=0; i<obj.length; i++) {
if (obj[i].value == value) {
obj[i].checked = true;
// Radio Disabled 설정하기 ##################################################
function setRadioDisabled(obj, value, disabled) {
var i;
if (obj) {
if (typeof(obj.length) == "undefined") {
if (obj.value == value) {
obj.disabled = disabled;
else {
for(i=0; i<obj.length; i++) {
if (obj[i].value == value) {
obj[i].disabled = disabled;
// Form Disabled 전체 설정하기 ##################################################
function setRadioDisabledAll(obj, disabled) {
var i;
if (obj) {
if (typeof(obj.length) == "undefined") {
obj.disabled = disabled;
else {
for(i=0; i<obj.length; i++) {
obj[i].disabled = disabled;
// Select 설정값 가져오기 ##################################################
function getSelectVal(obj) {
var value = "";
var idx = obj.selectedIndex;
if (idx >= 0){
value = obj.options[idx].value;
return value;
// Select Option 추가 ##################################################
function selectAddList(obj, text, value) {
var newOpt = document.createElement("OPTION");
newOpt.text = text;
newOpt.value = value;
// Select Option 전체삭제 ##################################################
function selectRemoveAll(obj) {
for (var i=obj.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
selectRemoveList(obj, i);
// Select Option 삭제 ##################################################
function selectRemoveList(obj, i) {
// Hidden 추가 ##################################################
function addHidden(f, name, value) {
var input = document.createElement('INPUT');
input.type = 'HIDDEN';
input.name = name;
input.value = value;
// 숫자 문자열에서 문자열 제거 ##################################################
function stripCharFromNum(value, isDec) {
var i;
var minus = "-";
var nums = "1234567890"+((isDec) ? "." : "");
var result = "";
for(i=0; i<value.length; i++) {
numChk = value.charAt(i);
if (i == 0 && numChk == minus) {
result += minus;
else {
for(j=0; j<nums.length; j++) {
if(numChk == nums.charAt(j)) {
result += nums.charAt(j);
return result;
// 콤마(,) 제거 ##################################################
function stripComma(str) {
var re = /,/g;
return str.replace(re, "");
// 숫자 3자리수마다 콤마(,) 찍기 ##################################################
function formatComma(num, pos) {
if (!pos) pos = 0; //소숫점 이하 자리수
var re = /(-?\d+)(\d{3}[,.])/;
//예외처리 추가, jings3, 2018-06-14
num = ( num === undefined ? 0 : isNaN(num) ? 0 : num );
var strNum = stripComma(num.toString());
var arrNum = strNum.split(".");
arrNum[0] += ".";
while (re.test(arrNum[0])) {
arrNum[0] = arrNum[0].replace(re, "$1,$2");
if (arrNum.length > 1) {
if (arrNum[1].length > pos) {
arrNum[1] = arrNum[1].substr(0, pos);
return arrNum.join("");
else {
return arrNum[0].split(".")[0];
// 내림 ##################################################
// num: 대상 숫자, pos: 대상 자리수
function setFloor(num, pos) {
if(!pos) pos = 0;
return Math.floor(num * Math.pow(10, pos)) / Math.pow(10, pos);
// 반올림 ##################################################
// num: 대상 숫자, pos: 대상 자리수
function setRound(num, pos) {
if(!pos) pos = 0;
return Math.round(num * Math.pow(10, pos)) / Math.pow(10, pos);
// 올림 ##################################################
// num: 대상 숫자, pos: 대상 자리수
function setCeil(num, pos) {
if(!pos) pos = 0;
return Math.ceil(num * Math.pow(10, pos)) / Math.pow(10, pos);
// 강제 소수점 이하 0채우기 ##################################################
// num: 대상 숫자, pos: 출력을 원하는 소수점자리수
function setRoundZero(num, pos) {
var strNum = stripComma(num.toString());
var arrNum = strNum.split(".");
if (arrNum.length <= 1) {
num = arrNum[0]+".";
for (var i=0; i<pos; i++) {
num += "0";
else {
num = setRound(num, pos);
return num;
// 소수점 이하 자리수 확인 ##################################################
// num: 대상 숫자, pos: 희망 소수점 이하자리수
function checkRound(num, len) {
var strNum = stripComma(num.toString());
var arrNum = strNum.split(".");
if (arrNum.length > 1 && arrNum[1].length > len) return false;
else return true;
// 숫자 문자열에서 "0" 시작문자 제거 ##################################################
function removePreZero(str) {
var i, result;
if (str == "0") return str;
for (i = 0; i<str.length; i++) {
if (str.substr(i,1) != "0") break;
result = str.substr(i, str.length-i);
return result;
// 통화형태로 변환 ##################################################
function toCurrency(obj) {
if (obj.disabled) return false;
var num = obj.value.stripspace();
if (num == "") return false;
if (!checkNum(stripComma(num))) {
//alert ("숫자만 입력해주세요.");
num = stripCharFromNum(num, false);
obj.blur(); obj.focus();
num = stripCharFromNum(stripComma(num), false);
num = removePreZero(num);
obj.value = formatComma(num);
// 숫자입력 확인 ##################################################
function numberOnly(obj, isDec) {
if (!isDec) isDec = false;
if (obj.disabled) return false;
var num = obj.value.stripspace();
if (num == "") return false;
if (!checkNum(num, isDec)) {
//alert ("숫자만 입력해주세요.");
num = stripCharFromNum(num, isDec);
obj.blur(); obj.focus();
num = stripCharFromNum(stripComma(num), isDec);
var arrNum = num.split(".");
if (arrNum.length > 1) {
obj.value = arrNum[0]+"."+arrNum[1];
else {
obj.value = arrNum[0];
// 숫자 증감 처리 ##################################################
function controlNum(obj, mode, isminus) {
var num = obj.value;
if (!isminus) isminus = 0;
num = (num.stripspace() == "") ? 0 : num;
num = (isNaN(num)) ? 0 : parseInt(num, 10);
if (mode == '+') ++num;
else --num;
if (isminus != 1 && num < 0) num = 0;
obj.value = num;
// 윈도우 팝업 - 개인정보취급방침 ############################
function openWin() {
window.open("/other/pop_business.asp", "new", "width=400,height=280,scrollbars=yes");
// 레이어 탭메뉴를 위한 스크립트 heechan 2012-12-08
function DisplayMenu(counter, layerEA, layerName)
for (i=1; i<=layerEA; i++)
if (counter == i) {
// thisMenu = eval(layerName + counter + ".style");
thisMenu = document.getElementById(layerName + counter);
thisMenu.style.display = "";
else {
// otherMenu = eval(layerName + i + ".style");
otherMenu = document.getElementById(layerName + i);
otherMenu.style.display = "none";
//****** 숫자만 ************
function Numbers( el ) {
el.value = el.value.replace( /\D/g, '' );
function chkNull(obj) {
if (obj == "" || typeof(obj) == "undefined") {
return true;
else {
return false;
* textarea 글자수 , 바이트수 체크하기.
* @param oid : 글자를 받을 Textarea ID
* @param tid : 바이트 체크된 값 리턴될 엘리먼트 ID
* @param size : maxSize
function pubByteCheckTextarea(oid,tid,size){
var byteTxt = "";
var byte = function(str){
var byteNum=0;
return Math.round( byteNum );
$(tid).html( byte($(this).val()) );
//에디터 생성 20161005 joonyus
var editor_id;
function get_editor(set_id,set_lang){
selector: "#"+set_id,
theme: "modern",
language: set_lang,
statusbar: false,
keep_styles: true,
forced_root_block : false,
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toolbar: "fontselect fontsizeselect styleselect forecolor bold italic alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify bullist numlist outdent indent table link custom_image copy strikethrough preview code ",
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//toolbar2: "bullist numlist outdent indent | table link custom_image copy strikethrough preview code",
toolbar_items_size: 'small',
setup: function(editor) {
editor.addButton('custom_image', {
title: 'Image',
icon: 'image',
onclick: function() {
function get_editor_full(set_id,set_lang){
selector: "#"+set_id,
theme: "modern",
language: set_lang,
statusbar: false,
keep_styles: true,
forced_root_block : false,
force_br_newlines : true,
force_p_newlines : false,
autoresize_max_height: 400,
plugins: "autolink autosave code link media image table textcolor autoresize preview fullpage",
toolbar: "fontselect fontsizeselect styleselect forecolor bold italic alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify bullist numlist outdent indent table link custom_image copy strikethrough preview code ",
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// toolbar2: "bullist numlist outdent indent | table link custom_image copy strikethrough preview code",
toolbar_items_size: 'small',
setup: function(editor) {
editor.addButton('custom_image', {
title: 'Image',
icon: 'image',
onclick: function() {
function get_editor_script(set_id,set_lang){
selector: "#"+set_id,
theme: "modern",
language: set_lang,
statusbar: false,
keep_styles: true,
forced_root_block : false,
force_br_newlines : true,
force_p_newlines : false,
autoresize_max_height: 400,
allow_script_urls : true,
plugins: "autolink autosave code link media image table textcolor autoresize preview fullpage",
toolbar: "fontselect fontsizeselect styleselect forecolor bold italic alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify bullist numlist outdent indent table link custom_image copy strikethrough preview code ",
// toolbar1: "undo redo | fontselect fontsizeselect styleselect | forecolor bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify ",
// toolbar2: "bullist numlist outdent indent | table link custom_image copy strikethrough preview code",
toolbar_items_size: 'small',
setup: function(editor) {
editor.addButton('custom_image', {
title: 'Image',
icon: 'image',
onclick: function() {
function slb_div(){
var div_data = "";
div_data += "
div_data += "
div_data += "
div_data += "

div_data += "
//관리자 배너이미지 숫자
function admBnrIdx(){
$(".forIndex .AdmBnrImg").each(function(){
//오늘 날짜 (yyyy-mm-dd)
function fnGet_Date(num){
var obj_date = new Date()
, year
, month
, day
, str_date
obj_date.setDate(obj_date.getDate() + num);
year = obj_date.getFullYear().toString();
month = obj_date.getMonth() + 1;
month = month < 10 ? '0'+ month.toString() : month.toString();
day = obj_date.getDate();
day = day < 10 ? '0'+ day.toString() : day.toString();
str_date = year +'-'+ month +'-'+ day;
return str_date;
// 레이어 팝업 ##################################################
function openPopupLayer(theURL, winName, width, height, remFeatures) {
var features = "";
if (typeof winName == "undefined") winName = "";
if (typeof width != "undefined") features += ((features) ? "," : "")+"width="+width;
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if (typeof remFeatures != "undefined") features += ((features) ? "," : "")+remFeatures;
if (features.indexOf("status") < 0) features += ",status=yes";
var popdiv = document.createElement("div");
var popup = document.createElement("iframe");
var popCloseObj = document.createElement("div");
popdiv.style.height=height +"px";
popdiv.style.width=width +"px";
popdiv.style.transition="top 0.5s";
popCloseObj.style.margin="-20px 0 0 20px";
popup.name = winName;
popup.id = winName;
popup.src = theURL;
if(winName == 'pwnd_detail'){
popup.style.margin="-20px 0 0 -20px";
popup.style.border="1px solid #c9c9c9";
window.popupObj = popdiv
// 20190225 mempil 레이어팝업 열때 Dimmed 클래스 추가
var div = parent.document.createElement("div");
div.className = "dimmed";
// body에 심기
return popup;
/* 함수(isFuncClosePopupLayer)의 존재 여부를 체크//(S)*/
if (typeof closePopupLayer !="function"){
closePopupLayer = function (){
var popdiv = window.popupObj;
//180622|wjy 익스플로러에서 동작이 안되서 변경..
// 20190225 mempil 레이어팝업 닫을때 dimmed 클래스 있으면 삭제
/* 함수(isFuncClosePopupLayer)의 존재 여부를 체크//(E)*/
function move2Center(obj){
var left = (window.innerWidth/2) - ($(obj).width()/2+20)//+$(document).scrollLeft();
var top = (window.innerHeight/2) - ($(obj).height()/2+20)//+$(document).scrollTop();
function checkNumeric(value){
value = stripComma(value.toString());
if (value == parseInt(value,10)){
return parseInt(value,10);
if (value == parseFloat(value)){
return parseFloat(value);
if (isNaN(parseFloat(value))){
return 0;
function isValidDomain(el) { //도메인 체크
var pattern = /^.+(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3})$/;
return (pattern.test(el.value.trim())) ? true : false;
var doubleSubmitFlag = false; //이중 전송 방지
//form double submit block
function doubleSubmitCheck(){
return doubleSubmitFlag;
doubleSubmitFlag = true;
return false;
//폼필드 input 갯수를 가져와 배열처리할지 아닐지를 결정, jings3, 2018-04-17
function getFormInputValue(objTag){
var return_val = "";
if ( objTag === undefined ){
return return_val;
return_val = ( objTag.length === undefined ? objTag.value : objTag[0].value );
return return_val;
//' ######################################################################
//'Function name : fnGet_ResizeImg
//'Create Date : 2018-05-23
//'Creator : bhc
//'Edit Date :
//'Editor :
//'Parameter :
//' obj1 = 파일 객체
//' callback = 콜백 함수
//'Return : object
//'Description : 이미지 사이즈를 설정된 값에 따라 비율을 유지하며 줄임
//' ######################################################################
function fnGet_ResizeImg(obj1, callback){
var resize_fileInfo = obj1[0].files[0]
, resize_fileType = resize_fileInfo.type
, resize_tmpImg
, resize_tmpImgUrl = window.URL || window.webkitURL
, resize_imgW, resize_imgH
, resize_fileW = 0, resize_fileH = 0
, resize_newFileW = 0, resize_newFileH = 0
, resize_restFileW = 0, resize_restFileH = 0
, resize_ratioW, resize_ratioH;
if (!resize_fileType.match(/image\//)) return false;
resize_imgW = obj1.resize_imgW;
resize_imgH = obj1.resize_imgH;
resize_tmpImg = new Image();
resize_tmpImg.src = resize_tmpImgUrl.createObjectURL(resize_fileInfo);
resize_tmpImg.onload = function () {
resize_fileW = this.width;
resize_fileH = this.height;
if ( resize_fileW > resize_fileH ){
if ( resize_fileW > resize_imgW ){
resize_newFileW = resize_imgW;
resize_restFileW = resize_fileW - resize_imgW;
resize_ratioW = setRound( (resize_restFileW / resize_fileW) , 3 );
resize_newFileH = setRound( resize_fileH - (resize_fileH * resize_ratioW) , 0 );
else if ( resize_fileW < resize_fileH ){
if ( resize_fileH > resize_imgH ){
resize_newFileH = resize_imgH;
resize_restFileH = resize_fileH - resize_imgH;
resize_ratioH = setRound( (resize_restFileH / resize_fileH) , 3 );
resize_newFileW = setRound( resize_fileW - (resize_fileW * resize_ratioH) , 0 );
// resize_restFileW = resize_fileW - resize_newFileW;
// resize_ratioW = setRound( (resize_restFileW / resize_fileW) , 3 );
else { //fileW == fileH
if ( resize_fileW > resize_imgW ){
resize_newFileW = resize_imgW;
resize_restFileW = resize_fileW - resize_imgW;
resize_ratioW = setRound( (resize_restFileW / resize_fileW) , 3 );
resize_newFileH = setRound( resize_fileH - (resize_fileH * resize_ratioW) , 0 );
obj1.newFileW = resize_newFileW;
obj1.newFileH = resize_newFileH;
//fnGet_ResizeImg 의 콜백함수 : 이미지 정보 입력
function fnRtn_ResizeImg(obj1){
//js dateFormat , jings3, 2018-07-12 //(S)
function dateFormat(timestr, strFormat){
var date = new Date();
if(timestr.length == 14) { // 날짜 String 최소길이 체크
var year = timestr.substr(0,4);
var month = timestr.substr(4,2) - 1; // 1월=0,12월=11 이므로 1 감해준다
var day = timestr.substr(6,2);
var hour = timestr.substr(8,2);
var min = timestr.substr(10,2);
var sec = timestr.substr(12,2);
date = new Date(year, month, day, hour, min, sec);
var c_year = date.getFullYear();
var c_month = date.getMonth() + 1; // 1월=0,12월=11이므로 1 add
var c_day = date.getDate();
var c_hour = date.getHours();
var c_min = date.getMinutes();
var c_sec = date.getSeconds();
if (('' + c_month).length == 1) { c_month = '0' + c_month; } // '' 를 add 함으로써 int => String 화
if (('' + c_day).length == 1) { c_day = '0' + c_day; }
if (('' + c_hour).length == 1) { c_hour = '0' + c_hour; }
if (('' + c_min).length == 1) { c_min = '0' + c_min; }
if (('' + c_sec).length == 1) { c_sec = '0' + c_sec; }
var c_date = strFormat.replace( /yyyy/gi, c_year );
c_date = c_date.replace( /mm/gi, c_month );
c_date = c_date.replace( /dd/gi, c_day );
c_date = c_date.replace( /hh/gi, c_hour );
c_date = c_date.replace( /nn/gi, c_min );
c_date = c_date.replace( /ss/gi, c_sec );
return c_date;
//js dateformat , jings3, 2018-07-12 //(E)
//2018-05-24 khs : 레이어 얼럿
function layer_alert(alert_string){
var delayTm = 1000;
if (arguments.length==2){
delayTm = arguments[1];
// 레이어 얼럿 엘레멘트 없으면 생성
if ($('body #alert_pop',document).length==0){
//css 적용
$("#alert_pop",document).css({"position":"fixed", "width":"100%", "z-index":"999999999", "bottom":"50%"})
$("#alert_pop .inner",document).css({"width":"90%", "margin":"0 auto", "color":"#fff", "background-color":"rgba(58, 57, 57, 0.8)","border-radius":"8px", "box-sizing":"border-box", "padding":"10px"})
$("#alert_pop .inner p",document).css({"font-size":"14px", "line-height":"1.5em"})
//미디어 쿼리 css 적용
if (!window.matchMedia('(max-width: 568px)').matches){
$("#alert_pop",document).css({"left":"0", "right":"0", "width":"100%", "margin":"auto", "max-width": "568px"})
if ($('#alert_pop',document).attr("style").indexOf("display: none")>-1){
//2018-07-19 khs : console 없는경우 대체
function logger(str){
// Log to native console if possible, alert otherwise
var cs = window.console || {log:function(s){layer_alert(s)}} ;
///20181024 joonyus 전화번호 정규식 01011112222->010-1111-2222 type : 0 넣을시 011123-1234 -> 011-0123-1234
function phoneFomatter(num,type){
var formatNum = '';
formatNum = num.replace(/(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})/, '$1-****-$3');
formatNum = num.replace(/(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})/, '$1-$2-$3');
}else if(num.length==8){
formatNum = num.replace(/(\d{4})(\d{4})/, '$1-$2');
formatNum = num.replace(/(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})/, '$1-****-$3');
formatNum = num.replace(/(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})/, '$1-$2-$3');
formatNum = num.replace(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/, '$1-***-$3');
formatNum = num.replace(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/, '$1-$2-$3');
return formatNum;
' ######################################################################
' Function name : setCurrency
' Parameter :
' value = 화폐값
' Return : String
' Description : 기본 화폐 표시 설정
' ######################################################################
function setCurrency(value){
var simbol = "원"
//2019-01-29 khs : 공백값 및 회원전용문구에 대한부분 수정
if (value!="" && value.toString().indexOf("품절")<0 && value.toString().indexOf("회원전용")<0){
value = value.toString().replace(/[^0-9]/g, "")
}else{ //품절인경우
return value
return setCurrencyStyle(value, simbol)
' ######################################################################
' Function name : setCurrencyStyle
' Parameter :
' value = 화폐값
' curSimbol = 화폐단위
' Return : String
' Description : 화폐 표시 설정
' ######################################################################
function setCurrencyStyle(value, curSimbol){
var arrCur = ["₩","¥", "Vpay"]
if (arrCur.indexOf(curSimbol)>-1){
value = curSimbol +" "+ formatComma(value)
value = formatComma(value) +" "+ curSimbol
return value
// 디바이스 정보 로컬스토리지 저장
function setLCS(key, value){
localStorage.setItem(key, value)
// 디바이스 정보 로컬스토리지 확인
function getLCS(key){
return localStorage.getItem(key)
// 디바이스 정보 로컬스토리지 삭제
function removeLCS(key){
function fnSet_TitleMSG(){
// 타이틀 바에 나타날 메시지
var message = new Array(
, "기업형 1등 업영 솔루션"
, "CMS 제작"
, "단연 aboutw3입니다."
, "뷰티스킨 출시"
, "7가지 마케팅을 한번에 관리"
, "업영 솔루션은"
, "aboutw3 이 최초이자 최고입니다."
, "업영 제작은 역시"
// 반복 횟수
var reps = 1;
var speed = 300; // Set the overall typing speed (larger number = slower action).
var hold = 5 // set the length of time to display the whole phrase before retyping (larger number = longer)
var p = message.length;
var q = 0;
var r = 0;
var C = 0;
var mC = 0;
var s = 0;
var sT = null;
if (reps < 1) {
reps = 1;
setMessage = function(){
typing = message[mC];
q = typing.length;
r = q + hold;
, typeMessage = function(){
if (s > r) {
s = 0;
if (s > q) {
document.title = "" + typing + "";
} else {
if (s>0){
document.title = "" + typing.substr(0, s) + "";
if (C < (r * reps)) {
sT = setTimeout("typeMessage()", speed);
} else {
C = 0;
s = 0;
if (mC > p - 1) {
mC = 0;
sT = null;
// 회원전용 상품의 경우 구매아이콘 박스를 숨김처리함
// 파라미터 체크
function paramChk(name) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
results = regex.exec(location.search);
return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
// 원본이미지 보기 ##################################################
function openOrgImageView(path) {
if (path.stripspace() == "") return;
openPopup("/common/pop_orgImageView.asp?path="+encodeURI(path), "OrgImageView", 100, 100, "status=yes, resizable=yes");
// 상품이미지 보기 ##################################################
function openZoomGoodsImg(guid, cate) {
openPopup("/common/pop_zoom_goods.asp?guid="+guid+"&cate="+cate, "ZoomGoodsImg", 700, 546);
// 주민등록번호 유효성 체크 ##################################################
function checkResNo(resNo1, resNo2) {
var i;
if (resNo1.value.stripspace() == "" || resNo2.value.stripspace() == "") return false;
var total = 0;
var key = new Array(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,2,3,4,5);
var resNo = resNo1.value + resNo2.value;
if (resNo.length == 13) {
for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
total = total + (eval(resNo.charAt(i)) * key[i]);
result = (11 - (total % 11)) % 10;
if (eval(resNo.charAt(12)) != result) {
alert ("유효한 주민등록번호가 아닙니다.");
resNo1.value = "";
resNo2.value = "";
return false;
else {
return true;
else if (resNo1.value.stripspace().length != 6) {
alert("주민등록번호 앞자리는 6자리입니다. 다시 입력하세요.");
resNo1.value = "";
return false;
else if (resNo2.value.stripspace().length != 7) {
alert("주민등록번호 뒷자리는 7자리입니다. 다시 입력하세요.");
resNo2.value = "";
return false;
// 사업자번호 유효성 체크 ##################################################
function checkBizNo(bizno1, bizno2, bizno3) {
var i, ChkRule = "137137135";
var step1, step2, step3, step4, step5, step6, step7;
var strBizNo = bizno1.value + bizno2.value + bizno3.value; // 사업자번호 10자리
step1 = 0; // 초기화
for (i=0; i<7; i++) {
step1 = step1 + (strBizNo.substring(i, i+1) *ChkRule.substring(i, i+1));
step2 = step1 % 10;
step3 = (strBizNo.substring(7, 8) * ChkRule.substring(7, 8))% 10;
step4 = strBizNo.substring(8, 9) * ChkRule.substring(8, 9);
step5 = Math.round(step4 / 10 - 0.5);
step6 = step4 - (step5 * 10);
step7 = (10 - ((step2 + step3 + step5 + step6) % 10)) % 10;
if (strBizNo.substring(9, 10) != step7) {
alert ("유효한 사업자번호가 아닙니다.");
bizno1.value = "";
bizno2.value = "";
bizno3.value = "";
return false;
else if (strBizNo.length!=10)
alert ("유효한 사업자번호가 아닙니다.");
bizno1.value = "";
bizno2.value = "";
bizno3.value = "";
return false;
else {
return true;
// 사업자번호 유효성 체크 ##################################################
function checkBizNo_New(bizno) {
var i, ChkRule = "137137135";
var step1, step2, step3, step4, step5, step6, step7;
var strBizNo = bizno.value; // 사업자번호 10자리
step1 = 0; // 초기화
for (i=0; i<7; i++) {
step1 = step1 + (strBizNo.substring(i, i+1) *ChkRule.substring(i, i+1));
step2 = step1 % 10;
step3 = (strBizNo.substring(7, 8) * ChkRule.substring(7, 8))% 10;
step4 = strBizNo.substring(8, 9) * ChkRule.substring(8, 9);
step5 = Math.round(step4 / 10 - 0.5);
step6 = step4 - (step5 * 10);
step7 = (10 - ((step2 + step3 + step5 + step6) % 10)) % 10;
if (strBizNo.substring(9, 10) != step7) {
alert ("유효한 사업자번호가 아닙니다.");
bizno.value = "";
return false;
else if (strBizNo.length!=10)
alert ("유효한 사업자번호가 아닙니다.");
bizno.value = "";
return false;
else {
return true;
// 로그인 ##################################################
function gotoLogin() {
if (document.URL.indexOf("login")>-1) return;
location.href = "/member/login.asp?redirect="+escape(document.URL);
//jQuery ajax 공용처리 (jings3)
function jqueryAjaxRes(funcName, resKind, _url, reqData ){
type: "post",
url: _url,
data: reqData,
success: function (res) { //성공메시지 처리
eval("funcName(\""+ resKind +"\",\""+ res +"\")");
error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {//error
complete: function () {// complite
//맘챌 사전가입 동의여부 체크박스 처리 , jings3
function primemCkBox(me, objkind){
if ( objkind === "a" ){ //전체동의
if ( $(me).prop("checked") ){
$("input:checkbox[id^='join_detailChkBox']").prop("checked", true);
$("input:checkbox[id^='join_detailChkBox']").prop("checked", false);
}else{ //개별 약관 체크박스
if ( $(me).prop("checked") ){
var etcCheckedCnt = $("input:checkbox[id^='join_detailChkBox']:checked").length;
if ( etcCheckedCnt === 2 ){ //개별 모두 체크상태
$("input:checkbox[id='Join_allCheck']").prop("checked", true); //전체동의 자동체크
}else{ //개별약관 한개라도 체크 빠진 상태
$("input:checkbox[id='Join_allCheck']").prop("checked", false); //전체동의 체크 자동 빠짐.
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