1. Extract Function
Extract fragment of code into its own function named after its purpose.
function printOwing(invoice) { printBanner() let outstannding = calculateOutstanding() // print details console.log(`name: ${invoice.customer}`) console.log(`amount: ${outstanding}`) }
function printOwing(invoice) { printBanner() let outstannding = calculateOutstanding() printDetails(outstanding) function printDetails(outstanding) { console.log(`name: ${invoice.customer}`) console.log(`amount: ${outstanding}`) } }
- You know what's the code doing without reading the details
- Short function is easier to read
- Reduce comment
2. Inline Function
Get rid of the function when the body of the code is just as clear as the name
function rating(aDriver) { return moreThanFiveLateDeliveries(aDriver) ? 2 : 1 } function moreThanFiveLateDeliveries(aDriver) { return aDriver.numberOfLateDeliveries > 5 }
function rating(aDriver) { return aDriver.numberOfLateDeliveries > 5 ? 2 : 1 }
- When Indirection is needless (simple delegation) becomes irritating.
- If group of methods are badly factored and grouping them makes it clearer
3. Extract Variable
Add a name to an expression
//price is base price quantity discount + shipping return order.quantity * order.itemPrice - Math.max(0, order.quantity - 500) * order.itemPrice * 0.05 + Math.min(order.quantity * order.itemPrice * 0.1, 100)
const basePrice = order.quantity * order.itemPrice const quantityDiscount = Math.max(0, order.quantity 500) * order.itemP const shipping = Math.min(basePrice * 0.1, 100) return basePrice - quantityDiscount + shipping;
- Break down and name a part of a more complex piece of logic
- Easier for debugging
4. Inline Variable
Remove variable which doesn't really communicate more than the expression itself.
let basePrice = anOrder.basePrice return (basePrice > 1000)
return anOrder.basePrice > 1000
5. Change Function Declaration
Rename a function, change list of parameters
function circum(radius) {...}
function circumference(radius) {...}
- Easier to understand
- Easier to reuse, sometime better encapsulation
6. Encapsulate Variable
Encapsulate a reference to some data structure
let defaultOwner = {firstName: "Martin", lastName: "Fowler"}
// defaultOwner.js let defaultOwnerData = {firstName: "Martin", lastName: "Fowler"} export function defaultOwner() { return defaultOwnerData } export function setDefaultOwner(arg) { defaultOwnerData = arg }
- Provide a clear point to monitor changes and use of the data, like validation.
7. Rename Variable
Make shared variable's name can self-explain
let a = height * width
let area = height * width
8. Introduce Parameter Object
Replace groups of data items that regularly travel together with a single data structure
function amountInvoiced(startDate, endDate) {} function amountReceived(startDate, endDate) {} function amountOverdue(startDate, endDate) {}
function amountInvoiced(aDateRange) {} function amountReceived(aDateRange) {} function amountOverdue(aDateRange) {}
- Make explicit the relationship between the data items
- Reduce the size of parameter list
- Make code more consistent
- Enable deeper changes to the code
9. Combine Functions Into Class
Form a class base on group of functions that operate closely on a common data
function base(aReading) {} function taxableCharge(aReading) {} function calculateBaseCharge(aReading) {}
class Reading() { base() {} taxableCharge() {} calculateBaseCharge() {} }
- Simplify function call by removing many arguments
- Easier to pass object to other parts of the system
10. Combine Functions Into Transform
Takes the source data as input and calculates all the derivations, putting each derived value as a field in the output data
function base(aReading) {} function taxableCharge(aReading) {}
function enrichReading(argReading) { const aReading = _.cloneDeep(argReading) aReading.baseCharge = base(aReading) aReading.taxableCharge = taxableCharge(aReading) return aReading }
- Avoid duplication of logic
11. Split Phase
Split code which do different things into separate modules
const orderData = orderString.split(/\s+/) const productPrice = priceList[orderData[0].split("-")[1]] const orderPrice = parseInt(orderData[1]) * productPrice
const orderRecord = parseOrder(orderString) const orderPrice = price(orderRecord, priceList) function parseOrder(aString) { const values = aString.split(/\s+/) return { productID: values[0].split("-")[1], quantity: parseInt(values[1]) } } function price(order, priceList) { return order.quantity * priceList[order.productID] }
- Make the different explicit, revealing the different in the code
- Be able to deal with each module separately
1. Encapsulate Record
Create record (class) from object
organization = {name: "Acme gooseberries", country: "GB"}
class Organization { constructor(data) { this._name = data.name this._country = data.country } get name() { return this._name } set name(arg) { this._name = arg } get country() { retrun this._country } set country(arg) { this._country = arg } }
- Hide what's stored and provide methods to get value
- Easier to refactoring, for example: rename
2. Encapsulate Collection
A method returns a collection. Make it return a read-only view and provide add/remove methods
class Person { get courses() { return this._courses } set courses(aList) { this._courses = aList } }
class Person { get courses() { return this._courses.slice() } addCourse(aCourse) {} removeCourse(aCourse) }
- Change to the collection should go through the owning class to prevent unexpected changes.
- Prevent modification of the underlying collection for example: return a copy or read-only proxy instead of collection value
3. Replace Primitive with Object
Create class for data
orders.filter(o => "high" === o.priority || "rush" === o.priority)
orders.filter(o => o.priority.higherThan(new Priority("normal")))
- Encapsulate behaviour with data
4. Replace Temp with Query
Extract the assignment of the variable into a function
const basePrice = this._quantity * this._itemPrice if (basePrice > 1000) { return basePrice * 0.95 } else { return basePrice * 0.98 }
get basePrice() { return this._quantity * this._itemPrice } //... if (this.basePrice > 1000) { return this.basePrice * 0.95 } else { return this.basePrice * 0.98 }
- Avoid duplicating the calculation logic in similar functions
5. Extract Class
Extract class base on a subset of data and a subset of methods
class Person { get officeAreaCode() { return this._officeAreaCode } get officeNumber() { return this._officeNumber } }
class Person { get officeAreaCode() { return this._telephoneNumber.areaCode } get officeNumber() { return this._telephoneNumber.number } } class TelephoneNumber { get areaCode() { return this._areaCode } get number() { return this._number } }
- Smaller class is easier to understand
- Separate class's responsibility
6. Inline Class
Merge class if class isn't doing very much. Move its feature to another class then delete it.
class Person { get officeAreaCode() { return this._telephoneNumber.areaCode } get officeNumber() { return this._telephoneNumber.number } } class TelephoneNumber { get areaCode() { return this._areaCode } get number() { return this._number } }
class Person { get officeAreaCode() { return this._officeAreaCode } get officeNumber() { return this._officeNumber } }
- Class is no longer pulling its weight and shouldn’t be around any more
- When want to refactor pair of classes. First Inline Class -> Extract Class to make new separation
7. Hide Delegate
A client is calling a delegate class of an object, create methods on the server to hide the delegate.
manager = aPerson.department.manager
manager = aPerson.manager class Person { get manager() { return this.department.manager } }
- Client doesn't need to know and response to delegation's change
- Better encapsulation
8. Remove Middle Man
Client call the delegate directly
manager = aPerson.manager class Person { get manager() { return this.department.manager } }
manager = aPerson.department.manager
- When there are too many delegating methods
9. Substitute Algorithm
Replace complicated algorithm with simpler algorithm
function foundPerson(people) { for (let i = 0; i < people.lenth; i++) { if (people[i] === "Don") { return "Don" } if (people[i] === "John") { return "John" } if (people[i] === "Kent") { return "Kent" } } return "" }
function foundPerson(people) { const candidates = ["Don", "John", "Kent"] return people.find(p => candidates.includes(p)) || "" }
- Change to algorithm which make changes easier
- The clearer algorithm is, the better.
1. Move Function
Move a function when it references elements in other contexts more than the one it currently resides in
class Account { get overdraftCharge() {} } class AccountType {}
class Account {} class AccountType { get overdraftCharge() {} }
- Improve encapsulation, loose coupling
2. Move Field
Move field from once class to another
class Customer { get plan() { return this._plan } get discountRate() { return this._discountRate } }
class Customer { get plan() { return this._plan } get discountRate() { return this.plan.discountRate } }
- Pieces of data that are always passed to functions together are usually best put in a single record
- If a change in one record causes a field in another record to change too, that’s a sign of a field in the wrong place
3. Move Statements into Function
When statement is a part of called functions (always go togeter), move it inside the function
result.push(`<p>title: ${person.photo.title}</p>`) result.concat(photoData(person.photo)) function photoData(aPhoto) { return [ `<p>location: ${aPhoto.location}</p>`, `<p>date: ${aPhoto.data.toDateString()}</p>` ] }
result.concat(photoData(person.photo)) function photoData(aPhoto) { return [ `<p>title: ${aPhoto.title}</p>`, `<p>location: ${aPhoto.location}</p>`, `<p>date: ${aPhoto.data.toDateString()}</p>` ] }
- Remove duplicated code
4. Move Statements To Callers
emitPhotoData(outStream, person.photo) function emitPhotoData(outStream, photo) { outStream.write(`<p>title: ${photo.title}</p>\n`) outStream.write(`<p>location: ${photo.location}</p>\n`) }
emitPhotoData(outStream, person.photo) outStream.write(`<p>location: ${photo.location}</p>\n`) function emitPhotoData(outStream, photo) { outStream.write(`<p>title: ${photo.title}</p>\n`) }
- When common behavior used in several places needs to vary in some of its call
5. Replace Inline Code with Function Call
Replace the inline code with a call to the existing function
let appliesToMass = false for (const s of states) { if (s === "MA") appliesToMass = true } appliesToMass = states.includes("MA")
- Remove duplication
- Meaningful function name is easier to understand
6. Slide Statements
Move related code to near each other
const pricingPlan = retrievePricingPlan() const order = retreiveOrder() let charge const chargePerUnit = pricingPlan.unit
const pricingPlan = retrievePricingPlan() const chargePerUnit = pricingPlan.unit const order = retreiveOrder() let charge
- It makes code easier to understand and easier to extract function
7. Split Loop
Split the loop which does two different things
let averageAge = 0 let totalSalary = 0 for (const p of people) { averageAge += p.age totalSalary += p.salary } averageAage = averageAge / people.length
let totalSalary = 0 for (const p of people) { totalSalary += p.salary } let averageAge = 0 for (const p of people) { averageAge += p.age } averageAge = averageAge / people.length
- Easier to use
- Easier to understand because each loop will do only 1 thing
8. Replace Loop with Pipeline
Replace loop with collection pipeline, like map or filter
const names = [] for (const i of input) { if (i.job === "programmer") { names.push(i.name) } }
const names = input.filter(i => i.job === "programmer"). map(i => i.name)
- Easier to understand the flow of data
9. Remove Dead Code
if (false) { doSomethingThatUsedToMatter() }
- Easier and quicker for developer to understand the codebase
1. Split Variable
Any variable with more than one responsibility should be replaced with multiple variables, one for each responsibility
let temp = 2 * (height + width) console.log(temp) temp = height * width console.log(temp)
const perimeter = 2 * (height + width) console.log(perimeter) const area = height * width console.log(area)
- Easier to understand
2. Rename Field
class Organization { get name() {} }
class Organization { get title() {} }
3. Replace Derived Variable With Query
Remove anny variables which cloud be easily calculate
get discountedTotal() { return this._discountedTotal } set discount(aNumber) { const old = this._discount this._discount = aNumber this._discountedTotal += old - aNumber }
get discountedTotal() { return this._baseTotal - this._discount } set discount() { this._discount = aNumber }
- Minimize scope of mutable data
- A calculate makes it clearer what the meaning of data is
4. Change Reference To Value
Treat data as value. When update, replace entire inner object with a new one
class Product { applyDiscount(arg) { this._price.amount -= arg } }
class Product { applyDiscount(arg) { this._price = new Money(this._price.amount - arg, this._price.currency) } }
- Immutable data is easier to deal with
5. Change Value To Reference
When need to share an object in different place, or have duplicated objects
let customer = new Customer(customerData)
let customer = customerRepository.get(customerData.id)
- Update one reference is easier and more consistent than update multiple copies
1. Decompose Conditional
Decomposing condition and replacing each chunk of code with a function call
if (!aDate.isBefore(plan.summerStart) && !aData.isAfter(plan.summerEnd)) { charge = quantity * plan.summerRate } else { charge = quantity * plan.regularRate + plan.regularServiceCharge }
if (summer()) { charge = summerCharge() } else { charge = regularCharge() }
- Clearer intention of what we're branching on
2. Consolidate Conditional Expression
Consolidate different condition check which the result action is same to a single condition check with single result
if (anEmployee.seniority < 2) return 0 if (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12) return 0; if (anEmployee.isPartTime) return 0
if (isNotEligableForDisability()) return 0 function isNotEligableForDisability() { return ((anEmployee.seniority < 2) || (anEmployee.monthsDisabled > 12) || (anEmployee.isPartTime)) }
- Often lead to Extract Function, which reveal intead of the code by function name
- If conditions are not related, don't consolidate them
3. Replace Nested Conditional with Guard Clauses
If condition is unusual condition, early return (Guard Clauses) and exist the function
function getPayAmount() { let result if (isDead) { result = deadAmount() } else { if (isSeparated) { result = separatedAmount() } else { if (isRetired) { result = retiredAmount() } else { result = normalPayAmount() } } } return result }
function getPayAmount() { if (isDead) return deadAmount() if (isSeparated) return separatedAmount() if (isRetired) return retiredAmount() return normalPayAmount() }
- It shows conditional branch are normal or unusual
4. Replace Conditional with Polymorphism
Using object oriented class instead of complex condition
switch (bird.type) { case 'EuropeanSwallow': return 'average' case 'AfricanSwallow': return bird.numberOfCoconuts > 2 ? 'tired' : 'average' case 'NorwegianBlueParrot': return bird.voltage > 100 ? 'scorched' : 'beautiful' default: return 'unknow' }
class EuropeanSwallow { get plumage() { return 'average' } } class AfricanSwallow { get plumage() { return this.numberOfCoconuts > 2 ? 'tired' : 'average' } } class NorwegianBlueParrot { get plumage() { return this.voltage > 100 ? 'scorched' : 'beautiful' } }
- Make the separation more explicit
5. Introduce Special Case
Bring special check case to a single place
if (aCustomer === "unknown") { customerName = "occupant" }
class UnknownCustomer { get name() { return "occupant" } }
- Remove duplicate code
- Easy to add additional behavior to special object
6. Introduce Assertion
Make the assumption explicit by writing an assertion
if (this.discountRate) { base = base - (this.discountRate * base) }
assert(this.discountRate >= 0) if (this.discountRate) { base = base - (this.discountRate * base) }
- Reader can understand the assumption easily
- Help in debugging
1. Separate Query from Modifier
Separate function that returns a value (query only) and function with side effects (example: modify data)
function alertForMiscreant (people) { for (const p of people) { if (p === "Don") { setOffAlarms() return "Don" } if (p === "John") { setOffAlarms() return "John" } } return "" }
function findMiscreant (people) { for (const p of people) { if (p === "Don") { return "Don" } if (p === "John") { return "John" } } return "" } function alertForMiscreant (people) { if (findMiscreant(people) !== "") setOffAlarms(); }
- Immutable function (query only) is easy to test and reuse
2. Parameterize Function
Combine function with similar logic and different literal value
function tenPercentRaise(aPerson) { aPerson.salary = aPerson.salary.multiply(1.1) } function fivePercentRaise(aPerson) { aPerson.salary = aPerson.salary.multiply(1.05) }
function raise(aPerson, factor) { aPerson.salary = aPerson.salary.multiply(1 + factor) }
- Increase usefulness of the function
3. Remove Flag Argument
Remove literal flag argument by clear name functions
function setDimension(name, value) { if (name === 'height') { this._height = value return } if (name === 'width') { this._width = value return } }
function setHeight(value) { this._height = value } function setWidth(value) { this._width = value }
- Easy to read and understand code
- Be careful if flag argument appears more than 1 time in the function, or is passed to further function
4. Preserve Whole Object
Passing whole object instead of multiple parameters
const low = aRoom.daysTempRange.low const high = aRoom.daysTempRange.high if (aPlan.withinRange(low, high)) {}
if (aPlan.withInRange(aRoom.daysTempRange)) {}
- Shorter parameter list
- Don't need to add additional parameter if function needs more data in the future
- Be careful if function and object are in different modules, which make tight coupling if we apply this refactor
5. Replace Parameter with Query
availableVacation(anEmployee, anEmployee.grade) function availableVacation(anEmployee, grade) { // calculate vacation... }
availableVacation(anEmployee) function availableVacation(anEmployee) { const grade = anEmployee.grade // calculate vacation... }
- Shorter list of parameters
- Simpler work for the caller (because fewer parameters)
- Be careful because it can increase function's dependency
6. Replace Query with Parameter
Replace internal reference with a parameter
targetTemperature(aPlan) function targetTemperature(aPlan) { currentTemperature = thermostat.currentTemperature // rest of function... }
targetTemperature(aPlan, thermostat.currentTemperature) function targetTemperature(aPlan, currentTemperature) { // rest of function... }
- Reduce function's dependency
- Create more pure functions
7. Remove Setting Method
Make a field immutable by removing setting method
class Person { get name() {...} set name(aString) {...} }
class Person { get name() {...} }
8. Replace Constructor with Factory Function
leadEngineer = new Employee(document.leadEngineer, 'E')
leadEngineer = createEngineer(document.leadEngineer)
- You want to do more than simple construction when you create an object.
9. Replace Function with Command
Encapsulate function into its own object
function score(candidate, medicalExam, scoringGuide) { let result = 0 let healthLevel = 0 // long body code }
class Scorer { constructor(candidate, medicalExam, scoringGuide) { this._candidate = candidate this._medicalExam = medicalExam this._scoringGuide = scoringGuide } execute() { this._result = 0 this._healthLevel = 0 // long body code } }
- You want to add complimentary operation, such as undo
- Can have richer lifecycle
- Can build customization such as inheritance and hooks
- Easily break down a complex function to simpler steps
10. Replace Command with Function
class ChargeCalculator { constructor (customer, usage){ this._customer = customer this._usage = usage } execute() { return this._customer.rate * this._usage } }
function charge(customer, usage) { return customer.rate * usage }
- Function call is simpler than command object
1. Pull Up Method
Move similar methods in subclass to superclass
class Employee {...} class Salesman extends Employee { get name() {...} } class Engineer extends Employee { get name() {...} }
class Employee { get name() {...} } class Salesman extends Employee {...} class Engineer extends Employee {...}
- Eliminate duplicate code in subclass
- If two methods has similar workflow, consider using Template Method Pattern
2. Pull Up Field
Pull up similar field to superclass to remove duplication
class Employee {...} class Salesman extends Employee { private String name; } class Engineer extends Employee { private String name; }
class Employee { protected String name; } class Salesman extends Employee {...} class Engineer extends Employee {...}
3. Pull Up Constructor Body
You have constructors on subclasses with mostly identical bodies. Create a superclass constructor; call this from the subclass methods
class Party {...} class Employee extends Party { constructor(name, id, monthlyCost) { super() this._id = id this._name = name this._monthlyCost = monthlyCost } }
class Party { constructor(name){ this._name = name } } class Employee extends Party { constructor(name, id, monthlyCost) { super(name) this._id = id this._monthlyCost = monthlyCost } }
4. Push Down Method
If method is only relevant to one subclass, moving it from superclass to subclass
class Employee { get quota {...} } class Engineer extends Employee {...} class Salesman extends Employee {...}
class Employee {...} class Engineer extends Employee {...} class Salesman extends Employee { get quota {...} }
5. Push Down Field
If field is only used in one subclass, move it to those subclasses
class Employee { private String quota; } class Engineer extends Employee {...} class Salesman extends Employee {...}
class Employee {...} class Engineer extends Employee {...} class Salesman extends Employee { protected String quota; }
6. Replace Type Code with Subclasses
function createEmployee(name, type) { return new Employee(name, type) }
function createEmployee(name, type) { switch (type) { case "engineer": return new Engineer(name) case "salesman": return new Salesman(name) case "manager": return new Manager (name) } }
- Easily to apply Replace Conditional with Polymorphism later
- Execute different code depending on the value of a type
7. Remove Subclass
You have subclasses do to little. Replace the subclass with a field in superclass.
class Person { get genderCode() {return "X"} } class Male extends Person { get genderCode() {return "M"} } class Female extends Person { get genderCode() {return "F"} }
class Person { get genderCode() {return this._genderCode} }
8. Extract Superclass
If 2 classes have similar behaviors, create superclass and move these behaviors to superclass
class Department { get totalAnnualCost() {...} get name() {...} get headCount() {...} } class Employee { get annualCost() {...} get name() {...} get id() {...} }
class Party { get name() {...} get annualCost() {...} } class Department extends Party { get annualCost() {...} get headCount() {...} } class Employee extends Party { get annualCost() {...} get id() {...} }
- Remove duplication
- Prepare for Replace Superclass with Delegate refactor
9. Collapse Hierarchy
Merge superclass and subclass when there are no longer different enough to keep them separate
class Employee {...} class Salesman extends Employee {...}
class Employee {...}
10. Replace Subclass with Delegate
"Favor object composition over class inheritance" (where composition is effectively the same as delegation
class Order { get daysToShip() { return this._warehouse.daysToShip } } class PriorityOrder extends Order { get daysToShip() { return this._priorityPlan.daysToShip } }
class Order { get daysToShip() { return (this._priorityDelegate) ? this._priorityDelegate.daysToShip : this._warehouse.daysToShip } } class PriorityOrderDelegate { get daysToShip() { return this._priorityPlan.daysToShip } }
- If there are more than 1 reason to vary something, inheritance is not enough
- Inheritance introduce very close relationship
11. Replace Superclass with Delegate
If functions of the superclass don’t make sense on the subclass, replace with with delegate
class List {...} class Stack extends List {...}
class Stack { constructor() { this._storage = new List(); } } class List {...}
- Easier to maintain code
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